“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” – Henry Ford

Voltage Operation is a comprehensive and complex supplier on the electrical equipment market. We provide premium products, therefore we ensure safety and quality.

We know our partners need high performance products with extended warranty, therefore we have established partnerships with producers that have over one century of experience and provide know-how and state-of-the-art technology in the production of low, medium and high voltage electrical cables and conductors, data and telecommunication cables, special OGP, nuclear and underwater cables, overhead conductors, conductors for railways, fittings and accessories for overhead lines, catenary and stations, cable management systems, poles and steel structures, porcelain insulators for stations up to 500kV and other complementary items. Occupational safety equipment is also provided. 

We present our partners with innovative solutions, we provide them with technical assistance and commercial support, so that, together, we may generate a plurality of medium and long-term benefits.


Market Segments


Working together to create successful business

The secret of our success comes from the consistency we brought to all our partners.

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Get in touch

    Voltage Operation SRL

    Pipera Blv. 1/VII, Nord City Tower, Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania
    P: +40311011405
    F: +40372876366
    M: office@voltage-operation.com
    Monday – Friday 09.00 – 18.00